Covid-19, its protocols, and restrictions have generated extreme levels of stress and anxiety, as well as concerns about health, social isolation, employment, finances, and the challenge of combining work and family obligations across the population. All these situations have kept us awake at a time when restful sleep is particularly important to adaptively face this crisis and help us keep a strong immune system and they have greatly altered existing mental disorders.
According to INSPIRA and the CDC, this crisis has exacerbated the following 5 mental conditions:
• Anxiety disorder
• Depression
• Eating disorders
• Personality disorder
• Use and dependence on alcohol and drugs
What can we do to reduce stress and sleep better in times of crisis?
- Change the way you think – Be positive and proactive, focus on the solution instead of the problem.
- Learn to relax your body – Take time to relax, practice diaphragmatic breathing, meditate or do yoga. If you relax your body and your mind, tension decreases which allows you to see things more clearly.
- Express yourself, you are not alone – Talk to a family member or friend; social and family support helps us to adapt more easily to stressful situations. You can also seek professional help.
- Exercise – Exercise produces endorphins that give you a feeling of happiness, relax your body, and calm anxiety.
- Get Organized – Learn to prioritize and organize your time. Do not leave for tomorrow what you can do today, but do not do today everything that can be left for tomorrow.
- Don’t spend everything you earn – Financial pressures cause us a lot of anxiety. Try to save enough to cover your expenses for at least six months in case you need it. Feeling that you have no savings makes you feel vulnerable and helpless which leads to despair.
- Listen to your body – If you are tired, rest. If you are sleepy, sleep.
- Explore a natural alternative – Organic Health Labs has formulated DeStress for stress and Doze-Off for insomnia. These products are recommended by doctors, naturopaths, and psychologists as excellent options to improve our quality of life.
You may purchase at bit.ly/OHLShopDeStress & bit.ly/OHLShopDoze-Off or at your favorite health food store. For more information call 877.321.8746.