Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second most common cause of cancer death in the United States. By the year 2022, the American Cancer Society estimates that there will be 147,950 new cases of colorectal cancer diagnosed and of these, around 53,200 deaths are expected, including at least 3,640 cases of patients under 50 years of age, marking an increase in this population of 1.3%.
Several risk factors that can increase the chances of developing polyps or colorectal cancer, according to scientific studies are:
- Certain types of foods: Red meat (such as beef, pork, lamb, or liver) and processed meats (hot dogs and cold cuts from deli). Cooking meats at very high temperatures (frying, broiling, or grilling) creates chemicals that can increase the risk of cancer.
- Physical inactivity: If you are not physically active, you have a higher chance of developing colorectal cancer. An increase in physical activity can help reduce your risk.
- Obesity: If you are overweight, your risk of developing and dying from colorectal cancer is higher.
- Smoking: We know that smoking can cause lung cancer, but it is also associated with other cancers, such as colorectal cancer.
- Excessive alcohol consumption: Colorectal cancer has been linked to excessive alcohol consumption because people who consume excess alcohol tend to have low levels of folic acid in the body.
- Age: About 9 out of 10 people diagnosed with colorectal cancer are at least 50 years old.
- Medical history of colorectal polyps or colorectal cancer survivors: If you have had polyps or cancer, you have a higher risk of developing colorectal cancer.
- Inflammatory bowel diseases: Conditions such as ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBS), and Crohn’s disease, are conditions in which the colon is inflamed for a prolonged period, this increases the chances of developing colorectal cancer.
- Type 2 diabetes: People with type 2 diabetes (usually not insulin-dependent) are at high risk of developing colorectal cancer. Both type 2 diabetes and colorectal cancer share some of the same risk factors, such as being overweight.
There are also natural alternatives that can help detoxify and cleanse the colon. Organic Health Labs has formulated Max Intestinal Flow which oxygenates and cleanses the intestine in a subtle way (it does not cause diarrhea). It removes toxins, relieves heartburn, constipation, reduces gas, relieves stomach pain, normalizes digestion, and helps regulate intestinal function. Max Intestinal Flow is recommended by doctors, naturopaths, and nutritionists as a healthy, safe, and effective product for colon health. It’s particularly beneficial for people with constipation, heartburn, a history of polyps, diverticula, and IBS.
If you identify yourself with the above risk factors, talk to your doctor about getting screened for colon polyps or cancer. Remember prevention is the best protection.
You may purchase at bit.ly/OHLShopMaxIntestinalFlow or at your favorite health food store. For more information call 877.321.8746.