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• Fortalece el sistema inmune
• Máxima potencia sanadora
• Controla la frecuencia severidad de catarros y brotes virales

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H-Control contiene 25 poderosos ingredientes para combatir afecciones de la piel, catarros, controlar la frecuencia y severidad de los brotes virales, sanar rápidamente las dolorosas ampollas del herpes bucal, genital y la “culebrilla”.


Uso Sugerido: Toma 2 cápsulas al día para fortalecer tu sistema inmune y ayudar a prevenir brotes virales.
Uso Avanzado: En caso de catarro, brote viral o infección cutánea toma de 4-8 cápsulas por 4 días, seguido por 2 cápsulas diarias o como recomendado por su médico o naturópata.

Información adicional


EPICOR®- levadura natural científicamente probada para fortalecer el sistema inmunológico. Contiene una alta potencia antioxidante. Proporciona nutrientes antivirales, antibacteriales y enzimas probíoticas que ayudan en la digestión.


PRUNELLA VULGARIS- antiviral y antibacterial, científicamente probado para fortalecer el sistema inmune. Reduce la frecuencia, severidad y periodo de brotes del herpes y culebrilla. Sana las dolorosas ampollas rápidamente.


LISINA- aminoácido que aumenta los anticuerpos. Benéficioso en el ataque contra el herpes. Disminuye los niveles de arginina (su alto nivel propulsa la reproducción del herpes)


ZINC- aumenta la inmunidad natural contra infecciones bacterianas y destruye elementos tóxicos. Favorece la cicatrización de heridas.


VITAMINA C- fortalece el sistema inmunológico, combate las enfermedades infecciosas, indispensable para la cicatrización ya que sana las heridas rápidamente.


JALEA REAL- aumenta la energía, acelera la sanación de lesiones en la piel, refuerza el sistema inmunológico y tiene propiedades antibióticas y antivirales. Provee energía.


HIERBA DE SAN JUAN- alivia el dolor e interrumpe la reproducción viral. Acelera la cicatrización de las heridas. La hipericina, uno de sus componentes activos principales, actúa como un antiviral contra varios virus incluyendo el herpes. Antidepresivo.


DIMETILGLICINA (DMG)- ayuda en la reparación de los tejidos. Apoya las funciones inmunológicas.


SUPERÓXIDO DIMUTASA (SOD)- un súper antioxidante crítico para la reconstrucción de la piel. Acelera la sanación de heridas. Científicamente probado para condiciones respiratorias como el asma.


ECHINACEA- estimula el sistema inmunológico para combatir el catarro. Aumenta la resistencia cutánea contra las bacterias, los virus y los hongos. Alivia el dolor y reduce la infamación.


HOJA DE ORÉGANO ORGÁNICO- poderoso antibiótico. Elimina virus, hongos y parásitos.


HONGOS REISHI & SHIITAKE – fortalecen el sistema inmune. Combaten efectivamente infecciones vírales, bacterianas y el herpes.


AJO ORGÁNICO- estimula el sistema inmune, es antibacterial y antiviral. Desintoxica el hígado.


SÁBILA – acelera la sanación de brotes de herpes, dermatitis, psoriasis, alivia la inflamación y ayuda a cicatrizar.


UÑA DE GATO- contiene una alta concentración de alcaloides que activa el sistema defensivo. Es antiinflamatorio y antiviral, combate el herpes y la candidiasis sistémica.


HOJA DE OLIVO ORGÁNICA- ayuda a bloquear los virus y su desarrollo facilitando la capacidad del cuerpo para combatirlos y controlar la infección.


  1. Chris

    Great product!! I love the fact that it is all natural. I used this product and it truly works! I will be ordering this product again for sure.

  2. Brendan

    Really works. Not only does this completely suppress my herpes outbreaks, but it is great for cold season. Anytime there is someone in the office who is sick or I have to travel, I take this as a precaution and I never get sick. Excellent product.

  3. Liza

    Super effective. I’m so happy about finding such a unique product. I feel very confident and safe knowing it has organic ingredients and that the formula is super effective. I definitely recommend it.

  4. Ashley

    works – I didn’t expect much from this considering even when I was taking Lysine every day I was still having frequent outbreaks [almost every single month]. Since I started taking this regularly I’ve had…maybe 2? And both were because I actually ran out and was waiting for my next bottle to arrive so for about 2 1/2 weeks I didn’t take any and had two outbreaks right in a row. So this stuff definitely works.

  5. Dr. David

    Works better than Lysine alone for my patients. This product worked well for a couple of my patients, so I opened a wholesale account with them, and now I sell this product to my patients. For patients where Lysine 500Mg 1x -3x per day gave results, this product gave even better results.

  6. Peter

    Super life Saver. This product is AMAZING. Better results with this than with steady antibiotics and clear face

  7. R. Diaz

    I believe this supplement has helped me keep my defenses … I believe this supplement has helped me keep my defenses up. It’s been years since I had the flu and I’ve been taking this for 2 yrs now

  8. Brucelle

    Excellent product. Reduces the possibility of getting sick. Strengthens your defense

  9. Solimar

    I love this product to keep my immune system in line. I have a 2 year old and at daycare he picks up all sorts of colds. With this product I’ve managed to escape a few of those colds or shorten the period I’ve getting them. Really like this product!

  10. Susana

    I absolutely adore this product. It has helped me a lot in avoiding getting sick and maintaining my overall health. When I am stressed I usually get canker sores, and after all, we have been going through with the Covid I have not gotten a single one. That is very rare. So, I attribute it to this product.

  11. Elizabeth Walker

    I am allergic to penicillin and they prescribed an antibiotic that contained penicillin and I almost didn’t live to tell the story, literally, of course, I had no medical plan and I chose to go to a health food store in the area where I live; A very kind young woman directed me what product to take to cleanse my blood after I explained what happened to me. After several days I began to see my skin with white scales, it looked like a fish until it began to detoxify all my blood from the penicillin that I had consumed and everything thanks to this wonderful natural product called “H-CONTROL” It is super miraculous and I recommend it 100 x 100%. Now I take it for the Coronavirus to protect myself, buy it and you will see that you will not regret it because it also helps to keep your immune system in good condition.

  12. Jose Raul Negron

    Wow, very good product. No wonder is out of stock, thank you.

  13. R

    LOVE! My daughter had originally gotten this before Covid while in Puerto Rico. It has been sold out here so we were happy to find this back in stock again. Love this product!

  14. EB

    Its amazing!!! This is product is the BEST!! Love it.. Ive been taking this supplement for two yrs.. NO ALLERGIES, NO SEASONAL COLDS, NOTHING!! Waiting for restock… Highly recommend this product.

  15. Sonia

    It is amazing!! This product is excellent !!! I recommend it to me, it helped me in the area of my physique. No doctor could solve this situation and no cream could solve it or help me. Someone gave me this recommendation for its fast action, so I decided to take it. From then on I have been healed of this physical condition. I am diabetic and nothing helped me until I found this marvelous pill. Now I am healthy, and today I am blessed to be without that disease on my face. “I thank God” that you have it in stock again.

  16. Adriel

    Better than what we thought. I bought a second one for my mom because the first one was soooooo effective in what she had going on health wise.

  17. Enriqueta

    The best supplement ever!

  18. Elisenda

    Excellent product I recommend it 100%

  19. Nanette Guzman

    Fast boosting product for the immune system
    This product is the best to boost fast your immune system and I recommend it to my dermatologist as an option to help reducing fast the herpes symptoms without taking a medicine.

  20. R

    Our family loves this product and use it whenever we feel the slightest oncoming sickness and seems to knock it out everytime.

  21. Sophie

    Amazing product!

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