About us
About us

My passion for natural medicine began when I was a little girl and watched my grandmother heal others with natural medicine or as we know it commonly today alternative medicine. I was curious about the herbal and natural ingredient combinations she created to treat different ailments.
She was a Native Taino Indian natural healer or “curandera” who used to get up with the sunrise and used to settle her day after dinner with the sunset. She had an inherent respect for mealtimes, food combinations and used to always say that we should only eat what came from “la tierra” (the soil).
My grandmother was so special to me, and I was always so curious about the mysteries of her knowledge. As if she had inherited it through divine ancestral energy, like a natural download of information as she did not know how to read or write. However, she intuitively did know every plant, how and when to plant it, how to make it grow, when and how to harvest it, what parts to use and how to apply it for healing and dedicated her life to helping people heal naturally.
She knew how to manage the force of healing energy with her hands before we knew about Reiki, she used to read eyes before Iridology became popular, she used to know all about plants before we called it Naturopathy, yet people called her a witch and therefore, called me “la nieta de la bruja” (the granddaughter of the witch).
Growing up with this stigma was confusing at times but I was more impressed by how so many people would come to her for help, how happy they were always to see her, and how grateful they were as they left.
This was engraved in my memory as a child, and I knew that I also wanted to do what my grandmother did in some way. I knew I wanted to help people heal naturally because I learned at a very early age that there is a symbiotic healing relationship between humans and nature.
During my college years, I worked at most of the major hospitals and clinics in Boston and saw with my own eyes how people’s small complaints evolved into diseases. I saw some suffer, some get better, and some passed away… During all of those years, I learned about the most common diseases, the prescribed treatments, and respective drugs, which caused other side effects for which other drugs were prescribed, which in turn aggravated other symptoms… And please don’t get me wrong, I believe in the power of allopathic medicine and technology, but I must say I truly believe that there would be a more powerful synergistic healing effect if we combined allopathic medicine, technology, and natural healing.
Since then, I began my journey into developing my own purpose and discover how I would evolve to be a modern extension of my grandmother to help others heal naturally. I wanted to continue her legacy and formally educated myself to develop the best formulations for today’s most common ailments with so much care and passion to help people improve their quality of life, which is when I cried the slogan Loving you, loving the earth! and gave birth to Organic Health Labs.
Helping people heal naturally has been my purpose and mission since I started this journey in 2008. Before I begin a formulation, I meditate, pray and ask God and my grandmother to enlighten me with their wisdom and guidance to create the most powerful and complete formulations to bring the body back to its natural state of balance; its homeostasis.
As I worked on my doctorate degree in Ayurvedic Medicine I finally understood the mysteries of her knowledge and healing wisdom.
It is my wish that my (our) products help you heal, bring you back to health and help you regain the trust in yourself to stay healthy. It’s all within you, your mind, and your soul.
Modern life throws us all out of balance at times, so aim to stay aligned, stay grounded, and spiritually connected and every cell in your body will know what to do.
Nahir Luna, President
Doctor in Ayurvedic Medicine