
Female Harmony


(17 valoraciones de clientes)

Female Harmony® ha sido formulado por una mujer para ayudar a la mujer a sentir armonía, balance y la aceptación necesaria durante el cambio de vida.


Recomendado por médicos, ginecólogos y naturópatas.


• Mejora síntomas de menopausia
• Alivia los sofocones y sudores nocturnos
• Promueve el balance hormonal y emocional
• Aumenta los niveles de energía
• Ayuda la piel, libido y lubricación

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FEMALE HARMONY® provee nutrientes claves que ayudan a mantener el balance hormonal físico y emocional. Mejora la memoria, alivia los cambios de humor, irritabilidad, sofocones y sudores nocturnos.

Los retos, exigencias y niveles de estrés a los que se enfrentan las mujeres en su rutina diaria, hoy día provocan en algunas mujeres síntomas de perimenopausia tan temprano como a los 35 años de edad.


Uso Sugerido: Toma 2 cápsulas con 8 oz. de agua al día.
Uso Avanzado: Toma 2 cápsulas en la mañana y en la tarde si tus síntomas son severos.

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Información adicional


VITAMINA E- antioxidante. Protege las células de los daños provocados por los radicales libres. Mejora el aspecto de la piel.


COMPLEJO DE VITAMINAS B- ayuda en la regulación del sistema nervioso.


SELENIO- esencial en la producción de las hormonas tiroideas.


MACA- aumenta la energía, memoria, nivela el desbalance hormonal, aumenta la libido y mejóralos síntomas de la menopausia.


JUJUBE- desintoxica, alivia el estrés, mejora el sueño, fortalece el sistema inmune e incrementa la densidad de los huesos.


ASHWAGANDHA- adaptógeno, disminuye la ansiedad, depresión, cambios de humor y sofocones. Equilibra las hormonas.


ALBAHACA SAGRADA- alivia la ansiedad, mantiene el balance emocional y niveles normales de cortisol.


SHATAVARI- adaptógeno y tónico uterino. Ayuda al equilibro hormonal y en la producción de estrógeno.


SEMILLA DE LINO ORGÁNICA- contiene Omega 3 y fitoestrógenos para ayudar a equilibrar las hormonas. Disminuye la severidad y frecuencia de los sofocones y sudores nocturnos.


KUDZU- los fitoestrógenos en esta planta son una buena opción para la terapia hormonal. Reduce los sofocones y mejora la lubricación vaginal.


DHEA- antioxidante, regulador de hormonas, mejora la función cognitiva, ayuda en la formación de huesos, mejora la libido y el estado de ánimo. Incrementa los niveles de serotonina.


COENZIMA Q10- aumenta la energía, protege la piel y el corazón.


HOJA DE FRAMBUESA- tónico uterino. Relaja los músculos, regula las hormonas, alivia los síntomas de menopausia y reduce el estrés.


BLACK COHOSH- alivia síntomas de la menopausia como sofocones, sudores nocturnos, irritabilidad, cambios de humor y falta de sueño.


VELVET BEAN (MUCUNA PURIENS)- contiene L-Dopa, precursor de la dopamina. Mejora el humor, la libido, memoria y concentración.


SEMILLA DE UVA ORGÁNICA- antioxidante, ayuda a disminuir el envejecimiento prematuro y enfermedades crónicas.


SEMILLA DE MANZANA ORGÁNICA antioxidante, alivia los sofocones.


JENGIBRE ORGÁNICO- antioxidante y antiinflamatorio. Ayuda en la digestión, reduce las nauseas y la flatulencia. Alivia los sofocones.


BACOPA- relaja, aumenta el enfoque y la claridad mental. Mejora la memoria.


GINSENG- adaptógeno. Alivia el estrés mental y físico, disminuye síntomas de la menopausia, mejora el humor y la depresión.


PLEURESÍA- tónico uterino, alivia espasmos y dolores musculares.


DAMIANA- afrodisíaco que ayuda a incrementar el deseo sexual.

17 valoraciones en Female Harmony

  1. Inglés

    Marlin Irizarry

    I had many relapses, including depression, anxiety, mood swings, migraine among other things. I went to the routine gynecologist and explained. He sent me to do some tests and they diagnosed me with the hormonal disorder, as many doctors say “LIFE CHANGE” menopause. I took a lot of supplements and it just kept going from bad to worse. I went to a health food store, explained my problem and they recommended “FEMALE HARMONY”. What can I can tell you … It is DIVINE !! I feel super thank you, God. I recommend it 100% !!

  2. Inglés

    Mary AC

    One clue was that the week before my period these symptoms got worse. I was having frequent heart palpitationsI had been having so many different problems and I suspected that there was a hormonal imbalance. One clue was that the week before my period these symptoms got worse. I was having frequent heart palpitations, mood swings, joint pain, nervousness, lack of motivation. I suffered with all these for 2.5 years and went to doctors without success. I feel so blessed to have tried this product. I only have but good things to say about it. The majority of my symptoms are gone including the palpitations. I feel like I have my life back. I never write reviews but this has had such a positive impact in my life that I had to. I have not tried other brands but if you are experiencing symptoms of perimenopause give it a try.

  3. Inglés


    The Harmony within my body sounds great! Female Harmony is amazing! In 2016 I had a full abdominal hysterectomy. Let’s just say I didn’t know my hormones could be worse than they were already! No more hot flashes! No more mood swings! My skin is healthier! Name a female issue and it’s got ya covered! All that adds up to me being in ‘Female Harmony!

  4. Inglés

    Messina V.

    reclaim yourself, and be happy. A must have for any woman suffering with menopause issues , a great relief , after yrs of trying so many over the counter products that simply did nothing for my hot flashes or mood swings , ty for helping me restore my old self again , a happier woman now .

  5. Inglés

    I. L. Figueroa

    Works! I am 56. I have been using these capsules for two weeks and have already noticed positive changes in my body.

  6. Inglés

    Mirta AC

    Noticeable difference. When I use this consistently, it helps me to have a regular period cycle. Also, I do believe it helped with hormonal hot flashes. I am not menopausal though I am 37 but I suffer with PCOS – using this to help with hair loss. Will buy again!

  7. Inglés


    No problems at all. Also, this product really works good for hot flashes. I recommended this to a friend and she thanked me for telling her about this product.

  8. Inglés


    The best one works on me I used other brands and don’t work. I love Female Harmony…. definitely give me the balance and harmony I need.

  9. Inglés


    Really works great!! Really works and covers all issues with perimenopause. It even helps with heart palpitations that come with perimenopause and your hormones fluctuating constantly.

  10. Inglés


    Fantastic product!! Works for all the perimenopause issues a woman can get as early as 35 years old. At 42 it came on suddenly and this product truly is a blessing in my life.

  11. Inglés

    Aubrey Parks

    Wow! I’m surprised! I’ve suffered from hormonal issues for YEARS and I’ve tried everything under the sun. Herbs, Vitex, DIM, acupuncture, you name it. Nothing has worked. So, I decided to give this a try along with a liver/kidney detox. To my surprise, my symptoms have drastically improved! I’m finally losing weight, my hair is growing back and I have more energy. This stuff is awesome! Totally recommend!

  12. Inglés

    Mayra Rosa Marquez Rios

    Quality, Satisfaction, Confident Excited cus I got the product earlier than expected and in good condition. I already started taking the pills. I’m positive that this will help me with those symptoms that all women go through and also with my hair loss problem since the product worked favorably on my sister, stopped her hair loss, got hair growth back and also helped her with the sleeplessness and other symptoms. I’ll be updating later with the results on me so crossing my fingers.

  13. Inglés


    Excellent product, it has helped me a lot to maintain my hormonal balance. I have been operated on since I was 25 years old and I finally got a product with very good results.

  14. Inglés


    It does what it says it does! I have been taking these for seven months and they have eliminated hot flashes and mostly all symptoms of peri-menopause. I didn’t feel well for the first couple of weeks but the transition was so worth it. Things seem to be back in line with normal and I attribute it to this product.

  15. Inglés

    Lashae Whitley

    Day 1 — I feel great!! Today was day 1 and could feel the difference already. I feel freaking great! Will write another review in about a week.

  16. Inglés


    This product works for me. I feel really better. My night sweat are less and my hot flashes are less frequent.

  17. Inglés


    These Hormonal Balance are great! I love these Hormonal Balance pills. It helps with hot flashes and mood swings. These are the best
    female hormones pills, I have taken without a prescription that really works.

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